Frequently Asked Questions



What type of shirts do you use?

Your typical 100% cotton t-shirt (except for heather colors, which contain 10% polyester). Pre-shrunk to make sure your size is maintained throughout several washings, and classic fit, meaning it is not form fitted in the sides.

When will my order arrive?

97.66% of our orders are shipped within 5 business days. More than a half of our orders are shipped within 3 business days or less. Our orders are shipped from California or North Carolina depending on your location.

What do I do If there’s an issue with my order?

– Any claims for misprinted/damaged/defective items, or packages lost in transit, must be submitted no later than 21 days after the estimated delivery date

My shirt doesn’t fit how I like. Can I return it?

Due to the production method we use for all of our products, we cannot accept returns.


Have another question? Contact us. We’ll get back to you within 24 hours.